Trialing archery

First touch to archery is easiest to get at odd weeks' Mondays between 17-19 at Osmonkallio shelter in Ainonkatu 1. Instructors will be available in these events especially for newcomers.

It is recommended to arrive to shelter to latest by 16:45 so that everybody can start at the same time. In order the get into shelter, press TJA's button in the door phone at the right side of the main door. Please note that door's lock lets only a small click when it opens, no other sound can be heard.

Note! Archery trail events are meant mainly for individual shooters. For groups we offer own sessions. Please also note that the teaching is done mainly in Finnish and we can't always guarantee that teaching is also available in English.

Places to trialing event have to be booked beforehand, instructions for bookings are at the end of this page. Unfortunately amount of free places is limited compared to interest. Please note that we don't take advanced and additoinal reservations to events.

Please note that alcohol does not belong to archery:

  • Using alcohol during the event is forbidden.
  • Participating tp event under influence is forbdden.

Anybody breaking these rules will be removed from the premises.



  • Adults: 10 euros
  • Under 18 years old: 5 euros

Following cards and methods of payment are supported:

  • Visa
  • V. PAY
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • American Express
  • Google Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Chip cards
  • Contacless payment
  • Cash (only with exact change)


Places to triabling events have to be booked beforehand. For each trialing event there are 12 free places. The booking is done by pressing the correct event from the below list, after which you will be transferred to FloMembers-service for actual booking. Reservations to each event will open 15 days before (at Sundays 18:00) and close 30 minutes before the event starts. Please note that there can be last minute cancellations to bookings, so it is recommend to check for possible free places during the day of the event.

Making a booking will require reserver's name and e-mail address. After making the booking, you will get a confirmation to your email, which also includes a link for canceling the booking. No payments are required during booking and the event is paid only on the spot.

The booking is valid until beginning of the event. i.e. at 17:00. If you have not arrived at this point, your place will be freed for other use. Please remember to cancel your booking in case you are not able to arrive to the event.

Note! Due limitations set by FloMembers service, you can reserve only one place at the time. If you want to reserve more places to same event, press "Register more persons" to get transferred back to reservation form. When doing the next reservation, you can still use the same email address but you have to change either your given or surname sligthly (e.g. using name of each participant or by adding a running number after either of them) as FloMembers allows only one booking to same event by using the same name. You have to repeat this for each place you want to reserve to same event.

Next trialing events

24 Feb
Osmonkallion väestönsuoja [5m rata]
24.02.2025 17:00 - 19:00
Date 24.02.2025 17:00 - 19:00
The event is fully booked
10 Mar
Osmonkallion väestönsuoja [5m rata]
10.03.2025 17:00 - 19:00
10.03.2025 17:00 - 19:00
Registration to event is not open
24 Mar
Osmonkallion väestönsuoja [5m rata]
24.03.2025 17:00 - 19:00
24.03.2025 17:00 - 19:00

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